Things You'll Need
Aluminum foil
2 tablespoons milk

When you pull lasagna out of the oven, all the ingredients have a rich taste combined with a soft texture. Those fresh-from-the-oven features fade as the lasagna cools down because the pasta begins to absorb the sauce and the cheese starts to congeal. Reheating lasagna is a bit more high maintenance than other dishes due to its multiple ingredient layers. It can be difficult to recapture the original texture, so reheated leftover lasagna tends to be hard or gummy unless you do some extra preparation.
Step 1

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Press a fork into the top of the lasagna and repeat until the entire surface of the lasagna is covered with small holes.
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Step 2

Pour 2 tablespoons of milk slowly across the top of the lasagna so it evenly fills in all the fork holes and injects moisture into the hardened layers. Add another 1 tablespoon of milk if not all of the holes are covered.
Step 3

Wrap the lasagna pan firmly with aluminum foil. Make sure the aluminum foil is not pressing directly down onto the top of the lasagna or the cheese will melt and stick to the foil.
Step 4

Put the covered lasagna into your oven and bake for 20 minutes. Peel back the foil to ensure the cheese is golden and bubbly.
Step 5

Check the inside of the lasagna to ensure it has warmed through. Stick your fork into the center of the lasagna and keep it in place for 10 seconds, then take it out and touch the fork tip to ensure it is warm.
Step 6

Cover the lasagna with the foil and bake for another 10 minutes if the fork feels cold because that means the center is not heated through. Serve the lasagna immediately once it is warmed through or else it could become hardened again.
Add leftover sauce and cheese to the top of the lasagna during the last five to 10 minutes of reheating time to make the lasagna more moist and fresh tasting.
Do not try to reheat a pan of lasagna more than once because the constant change in temperature will make the layers too gummy to be salvaged.
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