How to Make Hot Pepper Wax Spray

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Things You'll Need

  • 7 hot peppers

  • 2 cups water

  • Blender

  • Coffee filter

  • One-quart container

  • Garden sprayer or large spray bottle

A hot pepper wax spray is an effective way of deterring all sorts of critters, including insects, squirrels and rabbits, from lunching on your vegetables, flowers and even shrubs and trees. It's a good choice for those who prefer organic alternatives, and if you make it yourself, it won't have the petroleum additives that are included in most commercial hot pepper products. If you can't locate hot wax peppers, buy the hottest alternative peppers you can find. Jalapeno, serrano and poblano peppers are all readily available in most grocery stores.


Step 1

Put seven hot peppers in a blender container. Add 2 cups of water and turn the blender on high speed. Blend until the mixture it's completely mixed, about two minutes.

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Step 2

Put the hot pepper mixture in a glass or plastic container and let it sit for several hours, or up to a day. Pour the mixture through a coffee filter to remove chunks of peppers.


Step 3

Pour the strained mixture into a one-quart container and add water until the container is full. Put the hot pepper wax spray in a garden sprayer or a large spray bottle and spray on plants every two weeks. Reapply the mixture after a rain.


Hot peppers are very powerful and can burn if they come in contact with your skin or eyes. Protect your hands from the hot peppers by wearing rubber gloves, and never touch your eyes. When you’re finished, turn the gloves inside out before you put them in the garbage can. Wash counter tops and any utensils immediately with hot, soapy water. Wash your hands when you’re finished, even if you wore gloves.


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