How to Use Traeger in Cold Weather

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Things You'll Need

  • Traeger grill with Traeger grill wood pellets inside

  • Outdoor thermometer

  • Food for grilling

  • Sealable container for extra wood pellets

  • Meat thermometer

A Traeger grill uses wood pellets to heat food and gives you another option for your outdoor cooking besides charcoal or gas grills. In the winter, cold air affects the cooking time of your food, and several precautions need to be taken to ensure that your food gets thoroughly cooked. Remember to allow yourself additional time when using your Traeger grill in the winter, and you can continue cooking outdoors throughout the coldest months of the year.


Step 1

Move your Traeger grill into a protected area outside. Keep the grill out of direct wind, but ensure that the area has good ventilation. Place an outdoor thermometer within sight of the grill but not close enough that the grill's heat affects it.

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Step 2

Open the door to the grill. Start the grill by turning the dial to ON and setting the temperature dial on SMOKE. Wait two minutes until white-gray smoke emerges. Look to see that the wood pellets lighted. Close the door and set the temperature to HIGH for at least 20 minutes before adding the food to preheat the grill.

Store extra wood pellets in a resealable container to keep them dry.

Step 3

Place the food into the preheated grill and close the door. Read the temperature on the thermometer. For every 5 degrees F below 45 degrees F, add 20 minutes per pound of food to the total required cooking time.


Step 4

Use patience. avoid opening the door to check on the food. Each time you open the grill door, add another 15 minutes to the cooking time. Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest portion of the food to ensure it has cooked through.

Step 5

Turn the grill off and allow it to cool completely before moving or cleaning.


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