How to Clean Area Rugs on Wood Floors

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Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum

  • Paper towels

  • Three to four cloth towels

  • Club soda

  • 1 tsp. dish soap

  • 1 cup water

Area rugs are used in homes all over the world to add color and personality to a room, especially those with hardwood floors. Rugs can be very expensive depending on the size, pattern and material used, and because they are on the floor, rugs can also become very dirty. It is important to keep area rugs clean to reduce dust and allergens that can build up, and to ensure they will last for many years to come.


Regular Cleaning

Step 1

Remove any furniture from the rug and set aside.

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Step 2

Vacuum the rug thoroughly.

Step 3

Flip the rug over completely and vacuum the underside of the rug thoroughly to help loosen remaining debris.

Step 4

Flip the rug right-side up and vacuum again.

Step 5

Use your vacuum's long hose cleaning tool to vacuum any fringe.


Stain Removal

Step 1

Lift up the rug and place a cloth towel underneath the stain. Replace the rug.

Step 2

From the top of the rug, use paper towels to blot up as much of the stain as possible.


Step 3

Lift up the rug and replace the soiled cloth towel with a clean one. Replace the rug.

Step 4

Dampen a clean cloth towel with club soda and blot the remaining stain until it is removed.

Step 5

If the stain persists, mix 1 tsp. of dish soap with 1 cup of water.


Step 6

Apply soap and water mixture to the stain using a clean towel.

Step 7

Blot the stain to remove.


Vacuum weekly for best results.


Vacuuming fringe can cause damage to the rug and the vacuum.

Do not beat rugs to remove dust. Beating rugs causes damage to the rug fabric and can cause it to unravel.

Avoid using carpet shampoos on area rugs to remove stains. These solutions can cause damage to rugs and the wood floor underneath.


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