How to Make a Round Tablecloth Using a Sheet

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Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape

  • Flat bedsheet

  • Pushpin

  • String

  • Sewing pencil

  • Scissors

  • Straight pins

  • Hot iron

  • Ironing board

  • Sewing machine (loaded with sewing needle and matching thread)

One of the best ways to save money in your household budget is to sew basic decorative items like curtains and tablecloths yourself. Even something as seemingly intimidating as a round tablecloth is easy to create when you have the right tools. With a few simple items, you can make a beautiful, custom round tablecloth using a sheet in a single afternoon.


Sew a round tablecloth from a sheet

Step 1

Measure the diameter of the round table plus the length you wish the tablecloth to be. For example, if you want the tablecloth to reach the floor, measure the height of the table. Multiple the height by two and add to the diameter of the table. Add 1 inch for hemming. This is the total diameter of the tablecloth.


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Step 2

Choose the correct size flat bed sheet based on your calculations. Its shortest side must be at least as long as the diameter measurement determined in step one.

Step 3

Draw the circle on the sheet. Lay the sheet flat on your sewing surface. Using your measuring tape, make a mark on the sheet measuring half the distance of the diameter calculation. Place the pushpin exactly at this point. Attach a length of string equal to half the diameter of the circle to the pushpin and extend the other end out. Use this as your guide to mark the edges of your circle with your sewing pencil.


Step 4

Cut the circle out of the sheet using sharp sewing scissors.

Step 5

Fold up a 3/4-inch hem along the edges of the fabric circle and secure with straight pins.

Step 6

Iron the hem, making a clean edge.


Step 7

Using your sewing machine, slowly and carefully sew the hem around the pinned, rounded edge, taking care to maintain the stitches at an equal distance to the edge of the cloth all the way around.

Step 8

Iron the entire piece after the hem is complete.


Tie the string loosely around the pushpin, otherwise it will wind itself around, resulting in a lopsided circle. If your tablecloth has a larger diameter than the width of a king bed sheet, piece two sheet panels together with your sewing machine, using a whole panel in the center and two half-panels on either side.


Calculate the diameter measurements two or more times to ensure they are correct before cutting any fabric. Keep all sewing implements, especially hot irons, scissors, pins and needles away from children and pets.


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