How to Recycle Ceramic Tile

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Things You'll Need

  • Hammer

  • Latex gloves

  • Tile adhesive

  • Colored grout

  • Squeegee or putty knife

  • Clean cloth or towel.

  • Clear glaze (optional)

  • Empty boxes

  • Work gloves

You just finished replacing the ceramic tile in your kitchen or bathroom. The room is clean and fresh with new tile. The only problem is what to do with the old ceramic tile you took out. You hate to just throw it away. Some of the tile is still in good shape. Don't worry—the ceramic tile can be recycled.


Step 1

Break the ceramic tiles into small pieces with a hammer, apply a teaspoon of tile adhesive to each broken piece and stick the pieces of ceramic tile on to a old table or other surface. Work quickly to glue each piece down because tile adhesive dries fast. Wear latex gloves to protect your hands. Apply a colored gout with a squeegee or putty knife to finish the ceramic tile mosaic project. Wipe the mosaic with a clear rag or towel and add a clear glaze, if you like, to make the mosaic shiny.

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Step 2

Put the unwanted ceramic tile and any broken pieces in a box and contact a building supply salvage company. See if the salvage company will buy the ceramic tile from you. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.

Step 3

Advertise the ceramic tile on the website.

Step 4

Donate the ceramic tile to a school, nonprofit group or other organization for their arts and crafts program.


If the pieces of ceramic tile are large, consider installing them on an outdoor patio or other surface in your yard or garden.


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