How to Grill a Strip Loin Steak

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Things You'll Need

  • Charcoal or gas grill

  • Non-stick spray

  • 1-inch-thick strip loin steak

  • Seasonings (optional)

  • Barbecue tongs or fork

  • Serving platter

A strip loin steak is perfect for grilling whether you use a gas or charcoal grill. Like most steaks, dry cooking is the best method for a tender, juicy cut of meat. The steak can be seasoned or marinated before grilling if desired, but strip loin steak has a wonderful beefy flavor that really needs no additional flavor addition. Once you have the grill going, the steak can be ready in less than twenty minutes.


Step 1

Prepare the grill. For gas grills, preheat the grill to medium heat. For charcoal grills, ignite the charcoal and allow it to become hot. Arrange the charcoal so that you have a high heat side and a low heat side inside the grill.

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Step 2

Spray the cooking grid with non-stick spray.

Step 3

Place the seasoned steaks on the grid and sear the meat on both sides. This will take approximately 2 minutes per side.

Step 4

Turn the heat down on a gas grill to medium low. On a charcoal grill, move the steaks to the lower heat side.


Step 5

Cook, covered, in a gas grill for 7 minutes for rare, 8 to 9 minutes for medium and 9 to 10 minutes for well-done. In a charcoal grill, cook for 7 minutes per side for rare, 8 minutes per side for medium and 9 to 10 minutes per side for well done.

Step 6

Transfer to a serving platter using a barbecue fork or tongs.


A rare steak will have an internal temperature of 145 degrees F, a medium steak will read internally 160 degrees F and a well-done steak will read 170 degrees F or higher.

The use of a meat thermometer will ensure that the steaks are cooked just the way you like them.

If your charcoal grill can be covered, you can reduce the cooking time of strip sirloin steak to the same time as a gas grill.

If you prefer your steak salted, add the salt after the steak has finished grilling.


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