How to Create a Dr. Evil Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • Hosiery

  • Makeup Kits

  • Pinky Rings

  • Swimming Caps

  • Dr. Evil Costumes

How to Create a Dr. Evil Costume. Put on your most evil costume as befits Austin Powers' arch enemy.


Keep your pinky placed thoughtfully next to the corner of your mouth as you cook up evil schemes. "Evil" is your adjective of choice. Try to use phrases like, "Throw me a frickin' bone!" Shave your cat and tote it around. Convince a small child to dress as Mini Me. Repeat the above steps for the child. If you're too busy plotting the earth's destruction to ferret out the necessary items, try ordering a complete costume online - see Things You'll Need. Don't worry, we won't charge you ONE MILLION dollars.


Your life will be very empty and meaningless if you don't have a nemesis. Get your friends - or better yet, your arch enemies - to dress as Austin Powers and Felicity Shagwell (see Related Items and Related eHows).


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