Easy Way to Get Butter Stains Out of Clothing Tutorial

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One of the most common type of clothing stains is butter. While butter isn't dark in color, it is very greasy and can leave a nasty spot behind. This tutorial will show you how to get butter stains out of clothing with ease, so you can save that favorite outfit from a buttery disaster!



Video of the Day

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Things You'll Need

Step 1

Do not rub the stain or it will spread. It is best to blot the stain lightly with a clean cloth.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 2

Add dish liquid to the stain and gently rub it in.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 3

Spray the spot generously with warm water.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 4

Gently scrub the stain with a soft toothbrush.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Step 5

Wash and dry according to care instructions.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman
Image Credit: Jessica Kielman
