How to Cut Thick Cardboard Safely

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Things You'll Need

  • Permanent marker

  • Rotary multi-tool with cutting blade

  • Electrical outlet

  • Work gloves

  • Protective eyewear

  • Sand paper

  • Vacuum (optional)

Some corrugated cardboard is too thick for a razor blade or craft knife to cut through. Trying to force any knife through thick cardboard can get dangerous and slips may result in serious injury. A rotary multi-tool with cutting blade attachment has the power to make a quick cut, even through thick cardboard appliance boxes. Take a few steps to protect yourself then power through cardboard to create any design you can imagine.


Step 1

Mark the thick cardboard piece with a permanent marker guide line that is thick and easy to see.

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Step 2

Put on work gloves and protective eyewear to prevent a remaining staple or jagged edge from causing injury.


Step 3

Plug in the rotary multi-tool and turn it on as you press the edge of the cutting blade into the beginning of the guide line.

Step 4

Run the tool through the entire length of cardboard to complete your design.


Step 5

Turn off the rotary multi-tool and use sandpaper to smooth any sharp edges created by your new cut. A vacuum is helpful to clean the cardboard dust that is made by a large cut through thick cardboard.


Laminated cardboard may have many sheets glued together and may require a cut on both sides if the cutting wheel of the rotary tool has too small of a diameter to get through in one cut.


Be aware of hand placement at all times and never hold the cardboard anywhere near the cutting guide line.


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