How to Make Demon Wings for Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • Poster board

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

  • 5 wire hangers

  • Pliers

  • Wire cutters

  • 4 yards lightweight black fabric

  • Fabric glue

  • Fabric paint (in colors of your choice)

  • 2 black elastic ribbons (at least 1-foot-long pieces each)

Demon costumes that incorporate wings do not need to be bought. You can make any style of wings using basic homemade elements within an hour's time. Simply choose an image of a pair of wings that you would like to replicate and use it as a template to mimic the shape. The necessary materials can be found around the house. To add extra effect, paint additional elements such as veins and bones on the wings.


Step 1

Sketch the design of one side of your demon wings onto a piece of poster board. Draw only the outline.

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Step 2

Cut out the shape using a pair of scissors.

Step 3

Bend wire hangers using pliers to form the shape of the wing, leaving an opening for connection to the body. Use the poster board cutout to model the angles and size of the wing. If you need more than one wire hanger, twist the two ends together using your pliers and make sure there are no sharp edges. Allow the ends of the wires to stay unattached. Cut off any remaining wire with wire cutters. Set aside.


Step 4

Turn the poster board cutout over and bend wires to form the other side of the wings. Set aside and discard the poster board.

Step 5

Take an additional wire hanger and bend it to create a circle approximately 6 inches in diameter.


Step 6

Attach the three components to make one solid piece. Place the circle in the center and a wing on either side. Using the pliers, attach each of the unattached wire ends on the wings to the sides of the circle by twisting the edge of the wire around the circle a couple of times.

Step 7

Wrap the wings tightly around all the wires with the black fabric, working vertically. Don't worry if there are pleats and bumps in the fabric. This will add texture to the wings and make them look more lifelike. Continue wrapping the entire piece, even the circle. Glue the fabric ends down with fabric glue.


Step 8

Paint any additional designs on each wing showing contours of the shape or outlining the edges. Use comic books or online graphics for examples.

Step 9

Attach straps to be able to wear the wings. Seek a friend's help and have him position the wings with the circle in the center of the upper part of your back. Take an elastic ribbon and place it vertically and flat on the left side of the circle (where the wing connects) on your back. Holding the elastic in place at the back, take the bottom end and go under the armpit. Take the top end and go over the shoulder to connect the two. Make sure the elastic fits firmly and tie the two ends in a strong knot to rest on your shoulder blade. Cut off any extra ribbon with a pair of scissors.

Step 10

Repeat Step 9 with a separate elastic ribbon for the right side.


The larger the wingspan of the wings, the larger you will want to make the circle to retain stability. If the wings incorporate more than one coat hanger, it is advisable to make a double loop of wire for the circle to balance the weight properly.


Be careful when working with wire cutters, they are sharper than scissors. In addition, handle the ends of the wire hangers with care. The wire often is sharp once unwound.


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