Things You'll Need
Graduation gown
Padded Hanger

The gown is a key component in the graduation ceremony honoring students who have finally reached the end of their school years. In fact, throughout the graduation exercises, you and your gown will be the subject of many celebratory photos taken by friends, family and loved ones.To make sure you are looking sharp on your big day, you need to know how to keep those pesky wrinkles out of your gown.
Step 1
Hang your gown on a padded hanger immediately after you take it out of the package. There will be some wrinkles in it from being folded up, but they should disappear after a few days.
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Step 2
Turn on the hot water in your shower. Hang your gown in the bathroom for 10 to 15 minutes. The steam from the shower will act as a wrinkle remover.
Step 3
Iron your gown if the wrinkles remain after the bathroom steaming session. Place a towel between the hot iron and the gown at all times and be careful not to focus too much time on the same spot.
Step 4
Take your gown to the dry cleaners if you are not comfortable ironing it yourself. It might cost you money, but that may be better than risking the chance of a iron imprint on your gown.
Don't iron the gown directly with a hot iron. This will either burn a hole through the material, or will stamp an iron-shaped imprint onto the gown because the synthetic material that the gown is made of is extremely heat sensitive.
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