Things You'll Need
Paper and pen
On January 6, the world celebrates Epiphany for the day the three Wise Men (or Three Kings) delivered gifts to the baby Jesus in the manger. For Hispanic countries, this day is marked by many celebrations, including giving gifts to children who have been good all year. Giving gifts on Three Kings Day is a tradition you can practice any way you choose.
Step 1
Have the children in the family write letters to the three kings, outlining their wish lists for presents and the things they have done all year to try to practice good behavior. They may also include information on how they intend to improve their behavior or practice good deeds in the year to come.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Keep the letters to put out on the night of January 5th, or send them to the three kings in advance. Tie them to a balloon inflated with helium and let them fly away, or burn them (according to, the three kings can read smoke signals).
Step 3
On January 5th, have the children place a box filled with grass under their beds and under their parents', grandparents' and other relatives' beds. The grass is to feed the camels. Another option for this is to place a shoe near the Christmas tree instead. If the children have kept their letters to the kings, they should place these inside the boxes or shoes.
Step 4
While the children are sleeping, take the letters and grass out of the boxes and place gifts inside. Or place the gifts near the Christmas tree next to the children's shoes. If they have left boxes or shoes at relatives' homes, the relatives can deliver the gifts "left by the kings" along with the boxes or shoes on January 6th.
Step 5
On the morning of January 6th, let the children wake up and find their gifts from the kings.
Video of the Day