Things You'll Need
Poster board, 22 by 28 inches
Tape measure or ruler
School glue or packing tape

Whether you're raising money, setting up a lead generator box, having a birthday party or holding a door prize contest, a raffle or drawing box may be needed for a single event or multiple uses. A simple and easy-to-make box is all you need to hold a raffle or drawing. With little cost or time needed, you can build raffle drawing boxes for any occasion for about $1 per box. If you gather supplies before you begin, the project should be done in just a few minutes.
Step 1
Place the poster board on a flat surface with the 28-inch length running vertically and the 22-inch width running horizontally in front of you.
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Step 2
Measure and divide the 28-inch length by drawing a horizontal line every seven inches from the top of the poster board to the bottom. This should break the poster board up into four even rows.
Step 3
Measure seven and a-half-inches in from each of the sides and draw a long, vertical line all the way down the board on both sides, leaving three columns. This should create a lowercase "T," or cross shape, on the poster board four squares down and three squares across.
Step 4
Cut away the squares from the corners following the drawn lines to leave only the "T" shape. From top to bottom, the four squares of the "T" are the top, back, bottom and front, while the sides of the "T" will become the sides of the box.
Step 5
Fold the "T" along the drawn lines by bending each square into the center of the "T" to form the box. Glue or tape the bottom and front of the box to the sides as you fold them in. Have someone else hold the box while you secure it if necessary.
Step 6
Cut a small rectangular slit in the top of the box large enough to insert the raffle tickets or slips you'll be using. Make as many boxes as you need.
Decorate the outside of the box, if desired, by using markers and drawing along the outside of the box, or cut sheets of paper 7 inches square, decorate them and glue or tape them to the outside of the box.
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