How to Draw & Paint on Glass

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Does the world need more cuteness? Always. Especially when, with our free templates, you can make these adorable, animal-themed glasses using stuff you probably have around the house.

Cutest cookies and milk ever!
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Things You'll Need

Step 1: Download, Print, and Cut out Template

Download the free template, then print and cut out the image. Don't worry about cutting it out perfectly; as long as all the critter's features are intact, you're doing it right.



Free Panda Template // Free Sock Monkey Template

Print out the free template and cut out the image.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 2: Clean the Glass with Rubbing Alcohol

Using a paper towel, wipe the entire exterior of the glass with alcohol to remove any dirt or oil. This allows the ink to adhere to the glass.

Wipe the glass clean with rubbing alcohol.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 3: Tape the Template to the Inside of the Glass

With the image facing outward, place the template inside the glass and tape it so that the face looks straight.


Tape the template to the inside of the glass.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 4: Trace the Image onto the Outside of the Glass

Using your paint pen, draw the panda face on the outside of the glass, using the template as your guide.


Draw the panda face onto the glass.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 5: Remove Template

Untape the template from the inside of the glass. You will be able to see where you missed spots.



Remove template and tape from inside of glass.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 6: Touch Up the Design

Use your paint pen to fill in or smooth out any spots that need touching up.


Color in any spots you missed.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 7: Bake

Place glass in a cold oven. Set oven temperature to 200 degrees, and bake glass for 2 hours. Turn off oven; leave the glass inside and let it cool completely before removing.


Step 8: Pour, Drink, and Enjoy

Fill your panda glass with milk to get the full effect.

Pour, drink, dunk.
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

If making the sock monkey, try it with chocolate milk!


Got chocolate milk?
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse


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