How to Combine Laminate Wood Flooring & Tile

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Things You'll Need

  • Circular saw

  • Transition pieces

Image Credit: Jupiterimages/ Images

Laminate wood flooring is a popular choice for many homes because of its affordable price and because it's easy to install on your own. One of the trickiest parts of installation, however, is when you decide to combine laminate wood flooring and tile. Whether you have tile in another room and your laminate floor meets up to it, or you want to include tile in your floor design, there are ways to transition laminate to tile so your flooring looks professional.


Step 1

Install your wood laminate flooring so the grooved edge meets up with tile. The easiest laminate flooring to install is a tongue and groove system. The tongue on one side of a laminate flooring plank slides into the groove on the next plank. The tongue-edge of laminate wood flooring doesn't have the clean edge required for a smooth transition between laminate and tile because the tongue sticks out away from the plank. Instead, design your laminate wood flooring installation so the grooved edge, which is smooth and straight, meets up with the tile. You can then install tile right next to the laminate wood flooring for a smooth transition.


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Step 2

Cut your wood laminate flooring to size so you have a straight edge that meets up with the tile. Depending on the location of your laminate to tile transition, it may be necessary to transition between laminate and tile with a laminate flooring plank that's too large or with the tongue facing the tile. If that's the case, use a circular saw to cut your laminate wood flooring plank down to size.


Step 3

Add a transition between laminate wood flooring and tile to cover any imperfections. If you need to transition laminate to tile on a surface that's uneven, or if you don't have straight lines in your transition between laminate and tile, you can use floor transition pieces to bridge the gap. Transition pieces fit between your laminate flooring and your tile flooring to cover the seam. Simply nail the transition piece in place between your laminate and tile and you're finished. Transition pieces are great for doorways, but they are a potential tripping hazard if you install them in the middle of a floor.


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