Capodimontes are fine Italian porcelain decor that are known for their intricate design and vintage motif. They can range from big floor vases to small bedside figurines. Since Capodimontes are popular among interior design connoisseurs, some vendors may sell replica ones. Having knowledge of what an authentic Capodimonte looks like is important when shopping for these porcelain pieces.
Step 1
Check if the details are created with intricacy and precision by looking closely at the piece. Capodimontes are made by talented artists who are masters in creating details that look high quality. Check for the edges if there are cracks or chips. Genuine sellers of Capodimonte won't display those that are broken.
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Step 2
Inspect the Capodimonte by looking at all sides and checking if it has a seal that bears a crown and the signature letter "N" below it. This letters stands for "Neapolitan," which is a mark of high quality rooting from the Royal Factory in Napes since 1759.
Step 3
Look for the artist's mark or signature. Capodimontes are like paintings; their artists usually leave a signature illustrating the authenticity of the product. These signatures may be placed in the corners of the piece or at the bottom. Note that these signatures vary with every porcelain, but all Capidimontes have them.
Step 4
Make sure that the porcelain has Capodimonte tags. Capodimonte has a certificate of authenticity tag attached to each piece. This tag usually features a yellow-brown scroll icon where the text, "Certificate of Authenticity" is written.
Step 5
Note the price. Small figurines that can be placed on a desk and contain one character usually costs from $250 to $500. Bigger porcelains with more details and characters costs more, which on average is around $2,000. If a bigger piece sells for a price that's comparable to that of a small figurine, it may be a replica.
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