How to Insulate Windows Cheaply

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Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Scissors

  • Double-sided tape

Insulate windows to reduce drafts.

Old windows can allow winter weather drafts to seep into your home. Replacing windows is an expensive endeavor, but you may get by with cheap alternatives to purchasing new windows. Hardware or lawn and garden stores have plastic window kits or you can purchase plastic film you cut yourself to apply to windows to keep out drafts. Rubber weatherstripping is another cheap alternative to new windows. With a few simple tools, you can keep those chilly drafts from entering your home.


Plastic Film Covering

Step 1

Measure the windows and cut the plastic film to cover the windows completely.

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Step 2

Apply double-sided tape all the way around the outside edge of the plastic film.


Step 3

Press the film against the window glass. Run your hand all along the edge of the film to ensure a proper bonding of the tape against the window.

Rubber Weatherstripping

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Step 1

Measure the window frames and cut the rubber weatherstripping in four sections to cover the frames around the window.


Step 2

Remove the tape along the weatherstripping to expose the adhesive and place the stripping along the window frame.

Step 3

Press the stripping firmly against the frame. The stripping helps eliminate gaps in the frame that can result in drafts.


Place a second layer of plastic film on your windows to keep large drafts at bay.

It's possible to use bubble wrap instead of plastic film. Bubble wrap is thicker and may insulate just as well.

