Things You'll Need
Ozone ionizer
Odor removing product
Baking soda

Secondhand cigarette smoke can cause health problems. According to Mayo Clinic, 250 of the 4,000 chemicals in secondhand smoke are considered toxic. If you live in an apartment or a home built close to another home, secondhand smoke can waft in from your neighbor's house or yard. Prevent your neighbor's cigarette smoke from harming the health of your family without having to close your windows.
Step 1
Place an ozone ionizer in your home. Ozone ionizers purify the secondhand smoke that wafts into homes by pulling the smoky air in and filtering clean air out.
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Step 2
Place fans next to the window to limit the smoke that actually gets into the house.
Step 3
Check your windows for leaks. Go outside at night with a flashlight and shine the edges of your window. Use caulking to close up any of the cracks.
Step 4
Spray upholstery and furniture with an odor removing product to remove the offending cigarette smell. Clean any clothes laced with the smell in the washing machine.
Step 5
Vacuum and sprinkle baking soda around the house. Baking soda absorbs offensive smells. In smoky rooms, leave the baking soda on the floor overnight before vacuuming.
Ask your neighbors about their work schedules and keep windows closed when they are at home.
Avoid opening windows on windy days when the smoke can easily drift into the house.
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