Things You'll Need
65 to 80 newborn diapers (about two packages)
Rubber bands (small and large)
20-oz. bottle baby shampoo
Thick ribbon (1 to 1 ½ inches wide)
5 oz. baby powder
Rubber ducks

A rubber ducky diaper cake makes a great addition to a baby shower. Since yellow is gender neutral, the diaper cake can work for a boy or girl. Diaper cakes are a creative way to give an expected mother gifts that she can use for her newborn, and they make attractive centerpieces. You make the diaper cake by creating tiers of diapers, and then decorations such as rubber ducks, ribbon and baby items make the cake appeal to a theme.
Step 1
Find a base for the diaper cake. Use a pizza tray, cardboard or anything that will support the structure of the tiered diaper cake.
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Step 2
Sit a 20-oz. bottle of baby shampoo on the center of the base.
Step 3
Roll five to eight diapers into cylinder-shapes. Starting from the opened end of the diaper, roll the diaper to the closed section of the diaper. Do not open the diaper to perform this step. You simply just need to roll it from front to back.
Step 4
Secure each diaper with a rubber band. Wrap the rubber band tightly around each rolled diaper to keep it closed.
Step 5
Stand the diapers vertically around the baby shampoo. They will form a circle around the bottle. Place a large rubber band around all the diapers to hold them in place.
Step 6
Create a second ring of diapers around the first, following the method in steps 3 and 4. This ring will consist of 12 to 15 rolled diapers. Use a large rubber band to hold these diapers securely around the first ring.
Step 7
Make a third ring around the baby shampoo bottle. The third ring will consist of at least 20 rolled diapers. You will need to wrap a wide piece of ribbon around these diapers instead of a rubber band to hide all the rubber bands wrapped around the diapers. Use enough ribbon to tie a bow in the front.
Step 8
Construct the second tier of the rubber duck diaper cake. This tier will cover the rest of the baby shampoo. Construct a ring around the top of the bottle that consists of four to seven rolled diapers, and secure the diapers will a large rubber band.
Step 9
Make a second row of diapers in the same fashion as step 8 with 12 to 15 diapers, and then tie a wide ribbon around the second tier as was done on the last row of the first tier.
Step 10
Sit the baby powder on top of the baby shampoo bottle. This will form the foundation for the third tier of the diaper cake.
Step 11
Construct one ring of rolled diapers around the powder with four to seven diapers, and then secure them with a thick piece of ribbon.
Step 12
Decorate the diaper cake with rubber ducks. Place a large rubber duck on top of the third tier. Or you could place a large stuffed duck on top of the diaper cake, and then scatter rubber ducks on the diaper cake's base or on each cake tier.
Use yellow ribbon to add to the rubber-duck theme of the diaper cake.
Add travel-size baby items, towels and socks to the layers of the diaper cake. The point of a diaper cake is to provide useful items for the mother.
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