Things You'll Need
12 large chrysanthemums, stemmed
Floral foam, will be cut to fit
.22 gauge floral wire
Ribbon any width, about 2 feet
Fresh flower glue (optional)
Stuffed animal eye pieces
Stuffed animal nose piece
Waterproof floral tape (optional)
Several stems of small flowers
Several stems of greenery
Hot glue gun
Garden shears/wire cutter
Utility knife

Floral arrangements take time and effort so that you achieve a particular look with the flowers that you use. Creative arrangements can be made to look like specific things, including a puppy bouquet. Rather than ordering a puppy bouquet from a florist, make your own using real or silk flowers.
Making the Puppy
Step 1
Cut the floral foam to fit inside your container using the utility knife. Secure the foam inside the container by using the hot glue gun. Add glue to the perimeter of one flat side of the foam and press it into the container. If you are using fresh flowers, you will need to use waterproof floral tape to secure the foam in place.
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Step 2
Cut your chrysanthemum stems to the desired height. You will not be creating the whole puppy, just its head and front paws, which will hang over the edge of the container. If you're using fresh flowers, you can cut the stems with scissors or garden shears. You will need wire cutters for artificial flowers.
Step 3
Place one chrysanthemum stem into the center of the foam, angled slightly toward the back. This will be the head section, which is separate from the rest of the face pieces.
Step 4
Push one chrysanthemum stem on each side of the head flower into the foam. Push the stems in at slight downward angles, making the blooms face slightly upward. The the petal edges of these side blooms should touch the head petals. Each of the side flowers should be facing out, so it appears that the underneath portion of the petals are touching the head. These are the ears and should be tightly clustered with the head.
Step 5
Place three chrysanthemum stems into the foam below the head to make the puppy's face. Two blooms should angle upward, and their petals should touch the head and ear petals. These are the eye flowers. The third chrysanthemum will be the nose flower and should protrude slightly.
Step 6
Place one chrysanthemum stem on each side of the nose, facing downward slightly, just below the two eye flowers. Your puppy's head, eye sections, ears and nose are now complete.
Step 7
Insert one bloom on each side under the last two flowers you added, but angle the blooms down and place them so they hang over the edge of your container. These are the paws.
Step 8
Insert one bloom on each side just above the paws and facing upward. These are the legs.
Final Touches
Step 1
Cut your greenery and small flower stems short enough so that they appear to be supporting your puppy. Arrange the greenery and small flowers around the puppy making sure to fill in the back, sides and in between the legs.
Step 2
Cut your ribbon in half and tie each half into a small bow. Cut two pieces of the .22 gauge floral wire long enough to fit into the foam and stretch out to the top of the head and ear petals.
Step 3
Wrap one end of a piece of wire around the knot portion of one bow. Gently push one ear aside slightly and insert the other end of the wire into the foam.
Step 4
Position the bow so that it appears to be tied to the ear, next to the head. Repeat for the other bow, wire and ear.
Step 5
Glue your stuffed animal eyes and nose into position on the eye and nose blooms. If you are using artificial flowers, you can use the hot glue gun; for fresh flowers, you will need to use fresh flower glue. Your puppy bouquet is finished and ready for giving.
During the whole assembly of the puppy, you should have the front of your container facing you. You can be really creative with the containers you use to hold your puppy, as well as the colors of the flowers that you create your puppy with. You can put your puppy in a basket, craft mailbox or just about anything else.
Protect your table surfaces from damage that might occur when using the hot glue gun.
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