Things You'll Need
Tape measure
Fabric trim
Sewing machine
Matching thread

Don't settle for a boring T-shirt when embellishing a T-shirt with fabric trim is so simple and rewarding. Fabric trim comes in a variety of widths and styles–some trims have sparkly sequins, some trims have colorful beads and some trims sport funky dangles hanging from the bottom edge. Find something that appeals to your sense of style to add pizzazz to a plain T-shirt.
Step 1
Select the fabric trim you wish to use to embellish your T-shirt. Select a trim that is several inches wide if you wish to have your trim extend past the T-shirt hem and dangle from the hem (thus extending the length of the T-shirt by the width of the fabric trim). Select a trim with a width of 1 inch or less if you wish to have your fabric trim to be even with the bottom edge of the T-shirt (and not extend the length of the T-shirt). Fabric trim has a finished edge and you will not need to hem it. Any fabric trim would be suitable for using to embellish a T-shirt as long as there is a narrow area along one long edge where you can stitch the trim to the T-shirt hem.
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Step 2
Measure around the bottom hem of the T-shirt with the tape measure and add 1 inch to this measurement. As you measure the T-shirt hem, do not stretch the T-shirt fabric. Cut a length of fabric trim this length.
Step 3
Place the fabric trim along the edge of the T-shirt so that the trim covers the hem. If the trim is narrow, the trim will just cover the hem area of the T-shirt. If the trim is wide, the trim will cover the hem area of the T-shirt and extend down below the bottom of the T-shirt. Turn under one end of the fabric trim ½-inch and position it at a side seam of the T-shirt if possible. If the T-shirt has no side seam, position the end of the fabric trim along the back hem of the T-shirt. Pin the fabric trim in place at this point and begin pinning the fabric trim around the entire bottom edge of the T-shirt until you come around again to the starting point. Turn under the end of the fabric trim ½-inch and meet the two ends of the fabric trim at the starting point. As you pin the fabric trim to the T-shirt, take care not to stretch the T-shirt fabric. Make the fabric trim and the hem of the T-shirt fit each other and match up to ensure you do not stretch the hem of the T-shirt out of shape.
Step 4
Stitch the fabric trim to the bottom edge of the T-shirt using the sewing machine. Position the stitches at the upper edge of the fabric trim approximately 1/8-inch away from the edge and sew in a straight line along the entire bottom edge of the T-shirt to stitch the fabric trim to the T-shirt. Take care to ensure the T-shirt fabric stays evenly matched to the fabric trim as you stitch so you do not end up with more T-shirt fabric than fabric trim.
Step 5
Remove the pins and try the T-shirt on.
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