Things You'll Need
Yellow sheet card stock paper
2 sheets red card stock paper
Black marker
White glue
Red glittery pipe cleaners
Hole punch

Make your own chicken mask as part of a Halloween costume, Easter-time activity, party costume, or if you just want to make an animal mask on a rainy day. Making a chicken mask is not as complicated as it may sound. In fact, you can easily make one using common household items. The chicken mask can be made to fit a child or adult.
Step 1
Measure and cut a piece of yellow card stock paper big enough to cover your face. Use a pencil to mark where your eyes are on the card stock paper and cut out eye holes.
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Step 2
Cut out a triangle shape resembling an ice cream cone from the red card stock paper to make the chicken's beak. Make the curved top of the triangle the top of the beak. Use a black marker to draw two nostrils on the beak. Glue the beak to the bottom of the mask.
Step 3
Make the chicken's comb by cutting out a cactus-shaped piece from the red card stock paper. Bend the red glittery pipe cleaners to fit the shape of the red card stock and glue the pipe cleaners to the card stock.
Step 4
Attach the chicken's comb to the top of the mask, after the glue on the pipe cleaners completely dries. Use a hole punch to make a hole on each side of the mask, then tie a piece of string at both ends through the holes.
Scissors should be used only under adult supervision.
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