How to Remove Oil From a Down Comforter

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Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda

  • Cotton cloths

  • White vinegar

  • Water

  • Front-loading washing machine

  • Mild laundry detergent

  • Measuring cups

  • Tennis balls

Goose down is often used in down comforters.

A feather down comforter is very comfortable and keeps you warm in cold weather. Washing and keeping your down comforter clean and free from oil stains can be a hassle because of the sheer size and weight of down comforters. There are methods you can use to clean an oil stain from your comforter using simple supplies from home. With a little time and effort, your down comforter will be oil-free and ready to use again.


Step 1

Sprinkle baking soda, liberally, onto the oil stain on your down comforter. Rub it in lightly using a clean cloth. Allow the baking soda to sit on the oil for 30 minutes to absorb the stain. This method is great when you need to do a quick spot clean, as the baking soda wicks up oil and odor.

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Step 2

Brush the baking soda off the oil-stained down comforter using your clean cloth.

Step 3

Pour a little white vinegar onto any oil stain that remains. Rub the material together to work the white vinegar into the oil stain. Blot up with plain water on a clean cloth.


Step 4

Wash down comforters heavily stained with oil in an extra-large front-loading washing machine. You can usually find these at the laundromat. Use mild laundry detergent.

Step 5

Add one half cup white vinegar to the rinse water to get rid of all soap residue on the down comforter.


Step 6

Tennis balls help fluff up large comforters.

Place your down comforter in an extra-large dryer. Add a few unused tennis balls to the dryer, as well. These help to fluff up the down and ensure it doesn't lump in one area of the comforter.


Washing your down comforter is safe but should be done less frequently than regular comforters.


Body oils are bound to get on comforters, but refrain from using oils or lotions on your comforter in order to avoid unnecessary stains.


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