How to Care for Cypress Evergreen Trees in Your Home

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Things You'll Need

  • Cypress evergreen tree

  • Container with holes

  • Soil

  • Fertilizer

  • Garden shears

Cypress evergreen trees adapt well indoors.

The cypress family of evergreen trees and shrubs grow in many climates and locations all over the world, and come in colors of yellow and green. They are well suited for humid, indoor settings. Cypress evergreens prefer to get direct sunlight, but they will tolerate shade. They are not fond of colder temperatures (50 degrees F or lower). Cypress evergreen trees are widely commended for their easy-to-grow nature.


Step 1

Buy your cypress evergreen tree from your local garden center or nursery. You will also need to buy a container with holes, most any potting soil and an all purpose fertilizer.

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Step 2

Place pebbles in the bottom of your container to help with drainage. Mix the potting soil and the fertilizer together according to the directions on the labels. Place your tree in a space of your house where it will receive the most sunlight. Windowsills, patios and decks are wonderful spots for these trees.

Step 3

Water your tree everyday during the summer and every other day during the rest of the year. You can buy a moisture meter from your local garden store and it will instantly tell you the moisture level of the soil.

Step 4

Prune your cypress evergreen tree a few inches off the tips of each branch with garden shears to encourage new growth. The interior part of the plant may become congested, so it's a good idea to prune a little portion every two to three years.

Step 5

Clean your tree at least once a week with a wet cloth to keep dust off. Inspect your tree regularly for pests and insects.


Fertilize your cypress evergreen tree once a year in the spring, and move your tree into a larger container as it grows.


Cypress evergreen trees are prone to get cankers, which is a fungus, on their stems, branches, and twigs. These cankers can cause infected parts of the tree to die. Inspect your tree often and remove any affected twigs or branches.


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