How to Plant Rye Grass in Florida

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Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose

  • Lawn mower

  • Seeder

  • Fertilizer

Ryegrass is cool weather grass that keeps the lawn green during the winter months. Because Florida is known for its lush greenery, many gardeners will plant this grass in the early winter when the weather begins to cool. May or in the early spring months when temperatures reach 90 degrees F, you will notice your rye grass dying and your warm season grass start to "green" up. Plant rye grass to achieve that much-envied, year-round, green Florida landscape.


Step 1

Check the soil's pH range. Rye grass prefers a range between 6.0 and 7.0. Purchase a soil testing kit from your local county extension office. Dig a six inch hole and collect soil samples to mail off to the laboratory's address on the kit. Wait a few weeks for the results. Add lime to acidic soil and sulfur to soil that is too alkaline.

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Step 2

Mow your lawn at the lowest setting on your lawn mower. Water the lawn for three days prior to seeding rye grass.

Step 3

Pour the rye grass seed in a seeder and push the seeder back and forth across your lawn. Use 5 to 7 pounds every 1,000 feet. Water the area thoroughly.


Step 4

Water your rye grass with a mist of water from your gardening hose four times a day until the grass is an inch in height. Return to your former once a week watering schedule. Water more often when the Florida temperatures warm up.

Step 5

Fertilize your rye grass after a few weeks of growing. Use a fertilizer either recommended on the soil test or one that is high in nitrogen like with a NPK amount of 12-6-6.


Broadcast rye grass by hand if you have a small lawn area to cover.


Avoid burning your grass by refraining from adding fertilizer at the time you seed your grass.


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