How to Treat Shed Antlers

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Shed antlers can be used to beautify your home, but before you put them on display, take the time to treat them. Antlers are made of the same material that bones are, and they are very tough and hardy, but proper care can ensure that you will be able to enjoy them for years to come. Treating antlers is a very straightforward process.


Deer antlers can be easily treated.

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Things You'll Need

  • Bucket

  • Mild Soap

  • Olive Oil

  • Clean Rag

Treating Bare Antlers

Step 1

Soak a clean rag in warm water.

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Step 2

Scrub any stains or dirt off of the antler. Antlers that are already bare are fairly weathered and tough, and can be scrubbed quite hard.

Step 3

Set the antler in the sun to dry.

Step 4

Rub the antler lightly with olive oil to give it a smooth finish and to bring out the natural shine.


Treating Velvet Antlers

Step 1

Pour hot water into the bucket.

Step 2

Add mild soap until the water is foaming.


Step 3

Soak the velvet antlers in the hot water for between 5 and 10 minutes.

Step 4

Remove the antlers from the hot water and remove any remaining scraps of velvet.

Step 5

Set the antler in the sun to dry.

Step 6

Rub the antler lightly with olive oil to give it a smooth finish and to bring out the natural shine.


If you want to preserve the velvet on the antler, you will need to take it to the taxidermist.

