How to Laminate With Contact Paper

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Things You'll Need

  • Ruler

  • Clear contact paper

  • Scissors

Rather than using an expensive laminating machine to protect your projects and papers, try using clear contact paper. Laminating is a great way to preserve your children's artwork, chore wheels and dinner menus. Clear contact paper will add a layer of protection that stops the project or papers from getting ripped or stained. Using clear contact paper to laminate is permanent. Removing the contact paper can lead to rips and ruin your project.


Step 1

Measure the item to be laminated using a ruler. If no ruler is handy, lay the item on the clear contact paper and trace around the item. Do this on two sheets of contact paper. Most hardware and hobby stores sell contact paper.

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Step 2

Add 1 inch to each side of the measurements and cut the contact paper accordingly. The extra inch leaves room for mistakes. Use a sharp pair of scissors since a dull pair will give the contact paper something to stick to. This may lead to rips and jagged edges.

Step 3

Pull a small section of the backing away from the contact paper and line it up with your project. Press firmly to secure.

Step 4

Continue to slowly pull the backing from the contact paper as you press it onto the project. Work slowly to avoid tears and bubbles.

Step 5

Flip the project over and repeat on the other side. Trim away any excess contact paper.


Work slowly to avoid mistakes.


Laminating with contact paper is permanent. Clear contact paper may not be perfectly clear. Test on a scrap piece of paper before starting your project.


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