Things You'll Need
Poster paints
Canvas board
Heavy-duty paper
Large package of discount paint brushes
Jar for rinsing brushes
Paper plate (to use as palette if you don't purchase one)

Create a vibrant painting using various colors of poster paint, which is another name for tempera paint. Poster paint is a good option for school art projects because it is affordable,and is simple to clean up since it is a water based. Beginning painters can benefit from using poster paints, which they can either use straight from the bottle or dilute to create a wash. Decide what type of surface you want to use poster paint on, such as heavy-duty paper or a canvas board. When painting, some artists prefer to sketch out the design of the painting with their brush, but drawing an outline in pencil will make it easier for the novice to concentrate on the actual painting.
Find a Subject to Paint
Step 1

Select a photograph with vibrant colors that will be fun to paint. Consider painting a subject in your home such as a vase of flowers, a bowl of fruit or your pet. Venture outdoors to get experience painting a landscape or a spectacular sunset.
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Step 2

Use art books as inspiration for finding items to paint if you are indecisive, but it is preferable not copy a famous artist's painting. Only emulate another artist's work if your teacher has assigned this as a class art assignment.
Step 3

Lightly sketch an outline for your painting. Don't worry about getting the preliminary drawing to look perfect since you will be covering it up with paint.
The Painting Process
Step 1

Fill a jar full of water to rinse off your brushes every time you use different colors of paint. Rinse out the jar and refill it with fresh water when it becomes murky.
Step 2

Use a palette for mixing the colors you will be using. Consider using paper plates if you don't want to rinse your palette after each use.
Step 3

Quickly apply the poster paint because, unlike oil paint, this medium dries within a few hours. Consider hanging your painting on the wall once it is completed or give it to a friend.
Lay down newspaper to protect the surface where you will be painting. Wear old clothes that you are not worried about staining with paint. Purchase large packs of discount brushes as poster paints work fine with these. Forget the “rules” about painting and feel free to experiment.
Take a picture of your finished painting and consider creating a website to display your artwork.
Supervise young children when they are painting.
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