Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
1/4-inch diameter wooden dowel
Small handsaw
1 1/2-inch diameter wooden bead
Drill with 1/4-inch drill bit
Hot glue gun
Flesh-colored acrylic paint
Paint brush
Hand-sewing needle and thread
6-inch-round crocheted doily
Craft doll hair
Blush and cotton swab
Wooden skewer
Black acrylic paint
1/4-inch-wide ribbon, 12 inches
Silver chenille stem
Craft glue
1/2-inch plastic ring

Create a little bit of nostalgia to your Christmas decor with an angel made from a necktie. Recycle grandpa's old neckties, or purchase bags of outdated ties at your local secondhand store for a few dollars. This retro angel ornament is quick to craft and is a thrifty addition to fall and Christmas craft sales or as heirloom gifts for your grandchildren. Hang one on your front door or add to a wreath for holiday cheer.
Step 1
Measure up 10 inches from the wide end of a necktie and cut. This is the angel's gown. Measure and cut 7 inches further for the arms.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Cut a 4-inch piece of 1/4-inch diameter wooden dowel using a small handsaw. Check the fit of the dowel end into a 1 1/2-inch wooden bead hole. If the hole is too small, enlarge it by drilling with a 1/4-inch drill bit. Apply hot glue to an end on the dowel and insert it into the bead. The bead is the angel head.
Step 3
Paint the bead with flesh-colored acrylic paint.
Step 4
Tuck a 1/2 inch of the cut end on the 10-inch tie piece to the inside of the tie and press. Sew a running stitch around the folded edge. This is the neck. Apply hot glue to the end of the dowel and insert it into the folded end. Pull the thread to gather, allowing the head to set on the fold. Knot and cut the thread.
Step 5
Tie a knot in the center of the 7-inch arm piece for the hands. Wrap the arms around the gown, overlapping the ends a 1/2 inch, and hot glue them at the gown's folded edge. This is the back.
Step 6
Sew a running stitch across the center of a 6-inch-round, crocheted doily. Pull the thread to gather the center, creating wings. Knot and cut the thread. Apply hot glue over the stitched center of the wings and place over the ends of the glued arms on the back of the angel.
Step 7
Cut a cotton-ball size of craft doll hair. Rub the hair in your hands to fluff. Apply hot glue to the sides, back and top of the head. Place the hair in the glue.
Step 8
Apply blush to the cheeks with a cotton swab. Dip the blunt end of a wooden skewer in black acrylic paint, and dot a nose in the center of the face and two eyes above the nose.
Step 9
Tie the 1/4-inch-wide ribbon in a bow, and hot glue to the center front of the necktie angel, at the neck. Cut a 4-inch length of silver chenille stem. Form the chenille stem into a circle. Overlap the ends a 1/2 inch and twist to secure. Apply a dot of craft glue to the circle and place it on the head for a halo. Place a 1/2-inch plastic ring on the back at the neck, and hand stitch in place for a hanger.
Video of the Day