Things You'll Need
Khaki pants or skirt
Green shirt or top
4 green bandannas
Small paint brush
Black paint
Brown paint
Green paint
Square piece of cardboard
Black boots

Come October, all the stores are abuzz with fall decorations, candy corn, and of course costumes. Whether shopping for yourself, a spouse, or a child, Halloween costumes can be expensive. Why buy costumes when many can be made quickly and easily with materials found around the house or at your local superstore. One of the easiest costumes to put together is an Army soldier.
Step 1
Paint a shirt with a camouflage pattern. To prevent paint from seeping through one side of the shirt to the other, first slip a piece of cardboard inside the shirt. Using paint and the small paint brush, create curvy camo patterns of paint onto your shirt. Avoid painting two shapes of the same color next to one another. Allow one side of the shirt to dry before flipping it over and painting the other side.
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Step 2
Paint your pants or skirt. Again, trim cardboard to fit inside the paints or skirt to protect them while painting. Using the green, brown, and black paints and your small paint brush, cover material in camo-style shapes. The paint patterns should be slightly larger than those painted on the shirt. Again, do not place the same colors next to one another.
Step 3
Paint one of your bandannas using the same process used to paint your shirt and pants. Use cardboard to protect surface beneath the bandanna while painting. This time the shapes will be slightly smaller than the ones painted on the shirt.
Step 4
Make your belt. Tie remaining bandannas together to create your belt. If you have another belt that you prefer to wear, simply omit this step.
Step 5
Get dressed. After you have allowed all of your painted pieces to dry, get fully dressed in your new gear. Use the remaining black, green, and brown paint to paint your face as desired. You can paint different colored shapes to make a camo facial pattern, or simply use the black paint to draw horizontal lines under your eyes. Add black boots and there you have it, an Army soldier outfit.
Most larger cities have Army-Navy surplus stores where you can purchase authentic military clothing and accessories. If your town does not have such a store, you may also be able to find military-type clothing and accessories at a hunting supply store.
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