Things You'll Need
Recycled or decorative paper
Straight pin
New pencil
Needle-nose pliers
Stick glue
Red or pink wrapping paper
4-inch wood heart
Tape (optional)

Creating beautiful objects with paper is a relaxing and inexpensive pastime because you can use most any decorative paper you have on hand. Teach your children a fun way to recycle by crafting with paper scraps. Make 3D objects with paper for those summertime "I'm bored" moments with your kids, snow day activities or times when you just want to craft something quickly. 3D paper objects can be made using different colors and prints of paper as decorations for holidays or room decor.
Step 1
Cut an 8-inch square from decorative paper.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Lay the square with the wrong side up. Lightly trace an "X" from one corner to the other.
Step 3
Cut from one corner to within a 1/2 inch of the intersecting lines at the center of the square. Repeat the cut at each corner.
Step 4
Lay the square with the wrong side up. Grasp the left-hand corner of the top edge, bring it to the center of the square and hold. Do not crease. Turn the square and repeat with the left-hand corner of the next edge and the remaining edges around the square.
Step 5
Poke a straight pin through the layers of the corners at the center of the square and through the center of the square. Poke the pin through the side of the eraser on a new pencil. Grasp the pointed end of the pin with needle-nose pliers, and bend it down to secure.
Paper Chain
Step 1
Cut several 1-inch-by-8-inch strips of decorative paper. The amount needed will depend on the chain length you desire.
Step 2
Apply stick glue to one end of the strip on the right (decorative) side of the paper. Form the strip into a ring and place the other end over the glue. Squeeze the ends together to secure.
Step 3
Insert another strip through the ring. Apply stick glue to the end of the strip on the right side. Form the strip into a ring, connecting the two rings together. Repeat with additional strips, attaching each to the last ring completed.
Heart Garland
Step 1
Cut a 4-inch-by-24-inch strip of red or pink wrapping paper.
Step 2
Fold the length of the strip in 4-inch-wide accordion folds.
Step 3
Place a 4-inch wood heart on top of the folded paper. Position the heart with the widest part of the left and right edges touching the folded edges of the paper. Trace the heart on the paper. Cut out the heart, leaving a 1/2 inch of the folded edges intact where the heart touches the edge of the folds.
Step 4
Unfold the heart chain. If additional length is desired, repeat with additional strips of paper and tape together.
Video of the Day