You have created beautiful paper bags, perfect for wrapping a gift or storing important items at home. Now you need to know how to market and sell those bags, how to make money doing something you love. The good news is that not many people have time to create their own crafts and will gladly pay you to do it for them. The trick is to find a way to display your wares so people can see what you have to offer.
Step 1
Talk to local business owners. You might be surprised how many merchants may be willing to display your handmade paper bags in return for a small piece of the action. You can offer them a percentage of every sale. Not only is this a good deal for the merchant, who has invested nothing in the production of your bags, but it also shows the community that he supports local business people and entrepreneurs.
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Step 2
Locate craft shows as a venue to show off your handmade bags. Craft shows give you the opportunity to show your product to people who are in the market for one-of-a-kind items. People attend these shows to buy items that they don't have the time to create on their own or that they can't find anywhere else. They come in a frame of mind to buy, so have your product ready. Also, have business cards prepared so that customers can contact you later when they're ready to purchase more.
Step 3
Sell your bags online. Either create your own website and get the word out with business cards, brochures, and social networking sites, or sign up to sell on one of the established craft sites. Some of the more popular sites are Etsy.com, CraftMall.com, and LillysPlace.net. Each of these sites charges a minimal fee to advertise. Check their websites to determine if they also keep a percentage of sales too.
Step 4
Talk to other people who create goods for sale, and find out if there's an opportunity to join forces with them. For instance, if you know someone who makes and sells candles, ask her if she would like to purchase your bags in which to wrap or deliver her products. Your unique bags can become part of her trademark delivery, setting her apart from other candle makers.
Step 5
Think outside the box. People buy crafts in settings other than stores and craft shows. Set up a booth in unexpected places like home expos, bridal shows, and even pet shows and offer your bags for sale.
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