How to Remove Hairspray Buildup From Marble Tile Flooring

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Things You'll Need

  • Bucket

  • Hot water

  • Mild dish soap

  • Rag mop

  • Soft rags

  • Acetone

Marble is durable, but take care when cleaning it.

If you use hairspray in your bathroom and your flooring is marble, hairspray likely is built up on the floor. If the marble looks dull, or you see or feel a sticky film on the floor, it is most likely hairspray buildup. Marble is an attractive stone that requires special care when cleaning. Certain products and cleaning methods can etch or damage your marble tile flooring, so it's important to use the right materials.


Step 1

Fill a bucket with hot water. Add a few drops of mild dish soap.

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Step 2

Dip a rag mop into the bucket and wring it out well. Mop the marble floor with the hot, soapy water. Rinse and wring out the mop frequently.

Step 3

Dry the floor with a soft rag promptly after cleaning. Inspect the floor for any traces of the hairspray buildup.

Step 4

Moisten a rag with acetone if the buildup is still present. Wipe down the affected area with the acetone to remove any remaining buildup.


Mix ½ cup ammonia with one gallon of hot water for an alternative cleaning solution. Rinse the floor with plain water after cleaning with the ammonia solution. Ammonia should only be used when needed. Prolonged use can dull your marble floor.

If the marble floor looks dull after cleaning, restore its shine with a marble polish.


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