Things You'll Need
White friendly plastic
Hot water

At some point, just about every kid wants to be a vampire for Halloween. Vampire costumes are not hard to find, and are available in many sizes. Vampire teeth can be found rather easily, as well. However, vampire teeth that you buy in the store are uncomfortable and kids can't seem to speak with them in, so they are always taking them out of their mouths. If you make the vampire teeth, however, the teeth will fit perfectly in the child's mouth, and you will know that there is nothing toxic in them.
Step 1
Put a small amount of the white friendly plastic into the cup. Use enough to create a couple fangs for kid vampire teeth.
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Step 2
Pour some hot water into the cup to melt the friendly plastic.
Step 3
Wait for the friendly plastic to melt. When it is ready to be molded into vampire teeth, it will turn clear.
Step 4
Remove the friendly plastic from the water with a spoon and divide it in half.
Step 5
Shape one half into a teardrop shape.
Step 6
Press the wider part of the teardrop shape onto the canine tooth. Press and fit the plastic until it will stay on the tooth without you holding it in place.
Step 7
Tell the child to bite down, to be sure he will be able to close his mouth with the vampire fang in place. The vampire fang will harden in a couple minutes.
Step 8
Repeat steps 5 through 7 for the other canine tooth. If the other half of the plastic has hardened, you can put it back into the hot water. Once it has melted again, follow steps 4 through 7.
If the first try doesn't come out as you want, you can re-melt the friendly plastic and try to make the vampire teeth again. Friendly plastic can be melted over and over again.
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