Removing Mineral Deposits From a Slow Flushing Toilet

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Things You'll Need

  • Coca-Cola

  • Scrub brush

  • Scouring powder

  • White vinegar

  • Toilet brush

Remove mineral deposits on a toilet regularly to prevent them from building up.

When a toilet flushes slowly, the water sits in the tank and toilet bowl a little longer, allowing mineral deposits more time to adhere to the surface of the toilet. Mineral deposits often form as a result of hard water, leaving scaly, discolored stains in the toilet bowl and tank. Chemical products are available to remove mineral deposits from a slow flushing toilet but you can use home products and basic cleaning supplies to successfully remove mineral deposits from your toilet.


Step 1

Shut off the water supply that brings water to the toilet. Flush the toilet so it drains completely and the toilet bowl is empty.

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Step 2

Fill the toilet tank with Coca-Cola. Leave the Coca-Cola in the toilet tank overnight. Any brand or generic type of dark cola will eat away at mineral deposits.

Step 3

Leave the water supply to the toilet turned off and flush the toilet to drain the soda from the tank.

Step 4

A stiff-bristled brush removes stains.

Scrub inside the toilet tank with a stiff-bristled scrub brush to further loosen the mineral deposit stains.


Step 5

Sprinkle an abrasive scouring powder onto a dampened scrub brush. Work the dampened scouring powder into any remaining mineral deposit stains inside the toilet tank. Leave the abrasive scouring powder to sit on the walls of the toilet tank for 20 minutes.

Step 6

Turn on the toilet's water source. Flush the toilet to remove the scouring powder and any remaining mineral deposits.


Step 7

Tackle mineral deposits inside the toilet bowl by pouring undiluted white vinegar into the toilet bowl. Swish the vinegar around using a toilet brush. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Vinegar contains acetic acid which helps to loosen and remove mineral deposits.

Step 8

A toilet brush allows you to clean hard-to-reach places inside the toilet.

Scrub the inside of the toilet bowl with a toilet brush, making sure to scrub underneath the rim to remove mineral deposits you can't see from a vantage point of standing. Flush the toilet to wash away the vinegar and mineral deposits. Repeat Step 7 if any mineral deposits remain in the toilet bowl.


Add 2 cups of vinegar to your toilet tank once every two weeks. Let it sit overnight and flush it through to keep mineral deposits at bay.


Avoid using bleach to remove mineral deposits if you have your own septic tank. The bleach will kill the bacteria the septic tank needs to destroy waste.


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