How to Remove Paint With Stuff in Your House

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Things You'll Need

  • Nail polish remover

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Hair spray

  • Glass cleaner

  • Scrubbing pad

Paint stains can be removed with household items.

If you have a paint stain on a household surface and you don't have paint thinner or mineral spirits available in the home with which to remove it, there are household items that can be used instead. These items may not be immediately apparent as paint removers but are probably used by most people on a daily basis for a variety of other purposes. Anyone can be used for removing a paint stain and the choice depends on the individual and what is available.


Removing paint stain with rubbing alcohol

Step 1

Scrub the area of the paint stain with rubbing alcohol and a scrubbing pad.

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Step 2

Rinse the area with warm water.


Step 3

Repeat the process if some of the stain remains.

Removing paint stain with nail polish remover

Step 1

Rub nail polish remover on the stained area and let it soak into the stain. The nail polish remover will dissolve the paint.


Step 2

Scrub the stain with a scrubbing pad and rinse with warm water.

Step 3

Repeat the process to remove any remaining stain.

Removing paint stain with hair spray

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Step 1

Spray the area with hair spray and let it soak in for a few minutes.


Step 2

Scrub the stained area with a scrubbing pad.

Step 3

Rinse with warm water and repeat the process if necessary.

Removing paint stain with glass cleaner

Step 1

Use a glass cleaner to spray the affected area. Most glass cleaners have alcohol in them, which will dissolve the paint.


Step 2

Scrub the area with a scrubbing pad.

Step 3

Rinse with warm water and repeat the process if needed.
