Vintage handkerchiefs you have purchased second-hand or received as hand-me-downs from family members are often made of delicate fabrics embroidered or stitched with lace. Make things out of handkerchiefs can be displayed as beautiful, functional works of art. Handkerchief crafts can be presented to family members as a lovely heirloom remembrance of grandma or a favorite aunt. Decorate a guest bedroom in vintage style with handcrafted handkerchief accessories.
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Things You'll Need
Flat Floral Marbles
Baby Shoe
Hot Glue Gun
14-Inch-Square Throw Pillow
Essential Oil
1/3 Yard Heavyweight Fusible Web
Silk Flower Blossom
Hand-Sewing Needle And Thread
1/4-Inch Ribbon, 12 Inches
3 Handkerchiefs
Baby Shoe Pin Cushion
Step 1
Place a layer of flat floral marbles inside a baby shoe, completely covering the bottom. Fill the rest of the shoe with stuffing to within a 1/2 inch of the opening.
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Step 2
Trace a 6-inch circle on a handkerchief using a compass. Cut out the circle. Sew a running stitch around the edge of the circle, a 1/4 inch from the edge. Pull up the threads to gather the circle into a pouch with a small opening. Firmly stuff the pouch. Gather the circle closed. Knot and cut the thread.
Step 3
Apply hot glue to the inside opening of the shoe. Insert the knotted side of the pouch into the shoe. Hold the pouch until the glue has cooled.
Handkerchief Sachet
Step 1
Spread out a handkerchief on your work surface. If there is a right and wrong side to your handkerchief, place the handkerchief with the wrong side up.
Step 2
Place a wad of stuffing, approximately the size of a tennis ball, in the center of the handkerchief. Apply five drops of essential oil to the stuffing in a scent of your choice.
Step 3
Cut a 12-inch length of 1/4-inch-wide ribbon. Bring all the corners of the handkerchief together. Gather the handkerchief above the stuffing with your hands. Wrap the ribbon around the gathers and tie into a bow.
Step 4
Pull the blossom of a silk flower off of the stem. Apply hot glue to the bottom of the blossom. Place the blossom over the center of the bow.
Handkerchief Pillow
Step 1
Cut a 12-inch square of heavyweight fusible web.
Step 2
Lay a 12-inch-square handkerchief wrong-side up on your ironing surface. Place the fusible web on the handkerchief with the glue-side down. Iron to adhere the web to the handkerchief.
Step 3
Peel away the paper backing on the fusible web. Center the handkerchief on a 14-inch throw pillow with the glue side down. Iron the handkerchief to adhere it to the pillow. Heavyweight fusible web does not require sewing.