Things You'll Need
Tape measure
Valance rod
Screw driver

Hanging a curtain valance adds flair to a single room or an entire home. A valance in a traditional home decor provides an attractive frame for a window. Valances are hung atop the window on a separate rod from the window curtains or blinds; the curtain rod helps determine where to place the valances. A valance may cover the top of a curtain or blind, or stand alone above a window for a customized window treatment.
Step 1
Measure the window width using a tape measure. Divide the number in half to determine where the center of the window is and mark the wall over the window lightly with a pencil.
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Step 2
Use the measuring tape to find the center of the valance rod by stretching it from end-to-end. Mark the center of the rod lightly with a pencil.
Step 3
Find the height of the decorative portion that is above the rod casing, called the header. Some headers are larger than others, but if it is small on your valance, make the necessary adjustment.
Step 4
Measure downward from the ceiling or wall trim to the curtain rod. This gives you the highest point where the valance may be mounted. If there is no header on your valance, the rod is not limited as to where it can be mounted.
Step 5
Locate the position where you are hanging the valance rod by measuring about 1 inch above the curtain rod or top of the blind. Do not go over the highest point you measured from the ceiling downward. Position it over the window and decide what looks best for your room.
Step 6
Center the valance rod by matching the two pencil marks. Mount the right side of the valance rod by using the mounting clips in the package and screwing them into place.
Step 7
Place your level over the top of the valance rod and adjust the rod up and down until it shows level. Mark the spot on the left side and screw the clip into place. Insert the valance over the rod and slide the rod through the pocket to lock it into place.
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