Removing Insulation Foam From Carpet

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Things You'll Need

  • Rags

  • Acetone

  • Scissors

Cleaning foam insulation off carpeting is easier the sooner it is done.

Installing insulation is a guaranteed way to save money on home heating and cooling bills. Insulation foam spray allows for a more comfortable material to work with. Though it removes the once irritating problem of itching from handling fiberglass roll insulation, it is still a messy product. Dropping foam insulation onto unprotected carpeting requires immediate removal. Once insulation foam has a chance to harden, the removal project becomes a little more difficult.


Step 1

Wipe any fresh drops of foam insulation spray off of the carpet using a dry, clean rag. Pinch the foam in the rag and pull upwards to avoid pushing it down into the carpet pile.

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Step 2

Pour a small amount of acetone onto a rag and wipe the affected area. This will remove any remaining material.


Step 3

Pull any dried pieces up and tilt them to get a clear view of where the insulation is attached to the carpet fibers. Snip the carpet fibers loose using a pair of scissors.

Step 4

Toss the removed chunks of foam insulation into the trash. Run your hand along the carpet surface. Trim any uneven areas using the scissors.


Avoid stepping on any foam insulation that has dropped onto the floor if you cannot clean it up right away. Stepping on the insulation will drive it into the carpeting and cause further damage.


Test an inconspicuous area of the carpeting with the acetone to make sure it does not damage the carpeting.

Do not use harsh chemicals to remove foam insulation from carpeting. Many products can damage the carpet or remove the dyes.


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