Asian pears are eaten when firm and crisp. They are ready to be eaten when picked, unlike European pears that need about a week to soften after being removed from cold storage. Asian pears do not continue to age once picked and are of best quality when the fruit is allowed to ripen on the tree. They are easy to spot because of their round shape, versus the large bottom and tapered top of European pears.
Step 1
Purchase Asian pears that are not bruised. Bruised fruit does not store well.
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Step 2
Store Asian pears for up to one week at room temperature. Place them directly on your kitchen counter-top or store them in a bowl.
Step 3
Store Asian pears for up to three months in your refrigerator or other similarly cold place. Place on the refrigerator shelf, or into the fruit drawer if your refrigerator has one, in a way that they will not be crushed or bruised.
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