How to Twist & Wash a Crinkle Skirt

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Crinkle skirts are long and full.
Image Credit: amanaimagesRF/amana images/Getty Images

Crinkle skirts are long, full bohemian-style skirts -- sometimes called broomstick skirts -- that are usually made of cotton and are supposed to look wrinkled. They must be washed and dried a certain way to keep their shape and texture. Getting the look right requires a few steps, but at least you don't have to pull out the iron.


Things You'll Need

  • Pantyhose

  • Scissors

  • 2 rubber bands

  • Laundry detergent

  • Washer

  • Dryer

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Step 1

Wash your skirt according to the directions on the label. If you do not see directions, wash your skirt on a normal setting at a cool temperature to preserve the color and prevent the skirt from shrinking.

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Step 2

Cut off the toes of an old pair of pantyhose.


Step 3

Cut off the top of the pantyhose, so that you are left with two tubes. You'll only need to use one tube at a time, so save the other one for later use.

Step 4

Twist the just-washed skirt lengthwise, then place it inside one of the pantyhose tubes. Make sure the hem is not turned up.


Step 5

Secure the ends of the pantyhose tube with rubber bands to keep the skirt from falling out.

Step 6

Place the skirt inside of the dryer and put it through the drying cycle several times.

Step 7

Take the pantyhose tube out of the dryer and pull out the skirt.

Step 8

Hang the skirt on a clothes line and let it air dry.


To keep your skirt crinkly, follow the process each time you wash and dry it.

When traveling, keep the skirt twisted up inside of the pantyhose tube when packing it.

Store your skirt twisted up to retain the wrinkles.


Always follow the care directions sewn into your clothing.

