Things You'll Need
Glass jar with airtight lid
Wooden spoon
Plastic zip bag

Dried apples are a healthy, homemade treat that you can make to have around as a delicious snack for you and your family or add to your baking. Dried apples are also convenient because when stored properly, they can last for up to a year—two years if they are frozen. If you've made a large batch of dried apples and want to make it last as long as possible, learning how to properly store them is important in ensuring they don't spoil and are at their freshest.
Storing In Jars
Step 1
Put dried apple pieces into your glass jar about halfway up. Take a spoon, and gently press down on the apples to help compact them and remove air.
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Step 2
Fill jar all the way to the top with dried apple chunks, using a spoon intermittently as you go to pack them down.
Step 3
Pack down apples as much as possible, fill any extra space at the top, then seal the container with an airtight lid.
Step 4
Store the apples in a dark area, such as a cupboard, that will stay at a temperature of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and they should be OK to use for up to a year. Or store them in your freezer, which can extend their life up to two years.
Storing In Plastic Bags
Step 1
Fill a quart or gallon zip bag with your dried apple chunks. Pack the apples as tight as possible into the bag.
Step 2
Zip the top of your bag, squeezing the bag gently as you do to release any extra air.
Step 3
Unzip the bag just enough to fit a straw through the zipper, and stick the straw about an inch into the bag. Suck out any excess air from the bag, then pinch the straw closed where it exits the bag, and slowly remove and zip bag.
Step 4
Store bags either in the freezer for two years of life or in a cool, dry area away from light. Check on apples every month or so to ensure they haven't gathered moisture or gone bad.
To ensure you get all the air out of the bag, try using a vacuum bag sealer, which you can find at most grocery stores or home cooking stores.
If you have metal cans or jars, pack your apples in a zip bag before storing them in the metal.
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