How to Make a Plywood Pyramid

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Things You'll Need

  • Plywood

  • Set square

  • Protractor

  • Plywood saw

  • Sandpaper

  • Wood glue

  • Old cloth

  • Band clamp

Make a model pyramid with plywood.

Learning about pyramids is an interesting way to teach children not only about ancient cultures, but also about mathematics and geometry in a way that capture's their imagination. Constructing miniature pyramids is a hands-on way to teach children about the importance of math and geometry in everyday life, from its use in building the desks they sit at each day, to making their homes and playgrounds. Plywood pyramids can be embellished with paintings after construction, and used to decorate the classroom.


Step 1

Cut a square of plywood, 5 inches on each side. Check with the set square that the square is correct.

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Step 2

Cut four right-angled triangles, 5 inches on one side, 3.5 on the other two sides.


Step 3

Measure 25.5 degree angles on the edges of all four sides of the square with the protractor, then trim the edges with the saw so that the edges are now angled inwards at 22.5 degrees.

Step 4

Measure a 25.5 degree on the 5 inch side of the triangles, and a 22.5 degree angle on the 3.5 inch sides. Trim with the plywood saw so that all four triangles now have angled edges.


Step 5

Fit all the pieces together, the square on the base, and the triangles with their 5 inch sides meeting the 5 inch edges of the square. The triangles should fit roughly together with their angled edges forming flush seams.

Step 6

Sand any edges that are not fitting well together, until the pyramid shape fits nicely together.


Step 7

Place a line of glue between each edge, assembling the pieces back into the pyramid shape. Wipe off any glue that squeezes out between the sides with the old cloth. Clamp with the band clamp until the glue dries.

Step 8

Sand the whole structure once the glues is dry, being careful not to blunt any of the edges.


This type of pyramid should be constructed by high school students. For younger children, consider making a clay pyramid, which doesn’t require so much precision. A larger model plywood pyramid can be used as a decorative element in the home or garden.


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