How to Make New Shingles Match

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Things You'll Need

  • Old shingle

  • Roof installation paperwork

Roof shingles get damaged over time and need to be replaced.

Roof shingles don't last forever. A storm can rip some off the roof, or time can break them down. If you are missing a few shingles, have a leak, or just can't afford to replace your entire roof, you can repair it by fixing the damaged area only. But you'll need to match the new shingles with the old ones so the repair won't be too noticeable.


Step 1

Look in your homeowner paperwork to see if there is any mention of the roofing contractor, shingle manufacturer or type of shingles used. There should be warranty information from the contractor if nothing else. Contact the contractor and have him look through his records for the brand of shingle used. While you're on the phone, ask for a price on repairs or check to see if it is covered under warranty.


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Step 2

Contact roofing supply companies and other contractors to find the brand of shingles you need, if contacting the original contractor doesn't work out.

Step 3

Get a shingle to take with you while you look for replacements. If one has blown or broken off the roof, use that shingle. Otherwise, remove one from the roof. Choose a shingle from the damaged area. Grasp it and rock back and forth while pulling up. This will loosen the staples that secure the shingle to the roof.


Step 4

Put the new and old shingles side by side to compare. If the old shingles have faded in the sun, request to see the next lighter shade of the same shingle. Select the one that is closest to the same shade.


If no match can be found, it is possible to paint the shingles. You'll need to paint the entire roof so all shingles match. Ask a roofing company or specialty paint store to order roofing paint in your chosen color.


Be careful when doing any work on a roof. Wear shoes with good treads so you do not slip, and stay as low to the roof as possible. Always look before you step.


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