Things You'll Need
A spacious room
Hit net
Practice mats
Golf clubs and balls

Like many sports, golfing can become an addiction, and getting enough time at the range or golf course is complicated by cost and proximity. Golf is a difficult game to master and requires persistent practice to be a competent player. Setting up an indoor range is relatively easy, assuming you have the space, and it can provide you with constant practice. This gives you time on the course to enjoy the game and your colleagues, rather than cursing your slice.
Step 1
Check the space you are considering for your indoor driving range to make sure it is spacious enough, and more important, that your ceiling is high enough. Take a couple of slow practice swings while in the room. Check to see if there is sufficient clearance for your club during your backswing and follow-through. If your club does not hit the ceiling, then your room is big enough for an indoor driving range.
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Step 2
Research specific products for your indoor driving range. Golf nets and practice mats come in several varieties. Golf mats might be equipped with one or all of the following: rough-length turf, fairway-length turf, a built-in tee (usually rubber), which come in different sizes. Try them out at a local golf supply store if possible, and pick the mat that best suits you.
Step 3
Pick out a golf net at a local supply store or buy one online. Golf nets come in a variety of sizes and might be equipped with a target or marker. For example, the Golf Galaxy Driving Cage Net measures at 8 feet by 10 feet, while Golf Galaxy's Giant Hit Net is 9 feet by 12 feet. Choose according to the amount of space you have, as well as the type of target that interests you the most.
Step 4
Set up both your practice mat and net. Place the net relatively close to the met thus avoiding the possibility of missing it entirely and taking a chance of damaging the room that your driving range is in.
Step 5
Buy a pack of inexpensive balls. Take out your clubs and start practicing. Take advantage of the fact that you have an individualized setup that allows you to reuse your golf balls. Having a setup such as this will save you travel time to the range and the money spent on a bucket of balls.
You can study your swing by installing a mirror on the wall across from the practice mat.
Placing the net too far away not only increases the possibility of missing the net and damaging your room, but it also can create a ricochet effect where the ball bounces back and injures you.
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