How Can I Protect Avocados & Avocado Trees From Animals?

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Things You'll Need

  • Mothballs

  • Cheesecloth or mesh bags

  • Rubber bands

  • CDs

Humans aren't the only species that love a good avocado.

Avocado trees (Persea Americana) aren't often plagued by insect pests. The tree naturally contains chemicals that deter most insect and herbivore pests. If these chemicals have been bred out of the tree, its fruit is more likely to be eaten by squirrels, raccoons, opossums and even rats that can easily attack at night, when they are active and people and roaming dogs are not. These mammal pests will chew the fruit in any stage of development, so maintaining deterrents is important.


Step 1

Fill mesh bags with mothballs and close them with drawstrings. If you've got some cheesecloth, you can wrap up the balls and secure the top with a rubber band.

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Step 2

Hang the moth balls in the branches of your avocado tree, focusing on the branches that have the most fruit.


Step 3

Experiment with the amount of mothballs you'll need, noting in which areas they're most effective.

Step 4

Refill the bags when the smell is no longer potent to you. They will lose their efficacy if they aren't replaced pretty frequently.

Step 5

Hang old or blank CDs in the branches to deter squirrels in the daytime.


Do not leave loose mothballs out as they are poisonous to all animals, including pets.


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