Care of Korean Grass

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Things You'll Need

  • Soaker hose (optional)

  • Fertilizer

  • Lawn mower

  • Insecticide

Mowing the lawn is an important aspect of its care.

The term "Korean grass" refers to two types of zoysiagrass: Zoysia japonica or Zoysia tenuifolia. Z. japonica is the only zoysia species that can be grown from seed; it has coarser blades and is more cold-tolerant that Z. tenuifolia, but their care requirements are relatively similar.


Step 1

Provide Korean grass with at least 1 inch of water per week, spread over 2 to 3 applications. In the winter, when the grass is dormant, if the weather is particularly dry, water it. Drip irrigation systems work best as they supply a slow, deep watering. A soaker hose works much the same.

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Step 2

Fertilize the Korean grass for the first time after dormancy three weeks after it has turned green. Use 3 pounds of 16-4-8 fertilizer per 1,000 square feet of Korean grass. Use this same amount in late June and mid-August. In the middle of September and October, use 8.3 pounds of 6-6-12 fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. Give the Korean grass 2 inches of water after fertilizing.


Step 3

Mow Korean grass weekly, to a height of 1 to 2 inches. Bag the clippings after mowing to prevent thatch buildup.

Step 4

Treat the lawn with insecticide to control grubs, the major pest in zoysiagrass lawns. Your county cooperative extension agent can advise you on which pesticides work best in your area.


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