Things You'll Need
Old glass mixing bowl
Old mixing spoon
Empty glass jar with lid for storage
Measuring spoon
3 tablespoons of water
1 packet of unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon of white vinegar
1 teaspoon of liquid glycerin (can be found at any arts and crafts store)

There are a number of different types and variations of craft cement that you can make at home. Some are a bit easier to make than others, but might not be strong enough and so a more complicated recipe might be required. The following recipe is for a durable adhesive that is a step beyond the classic craft paste. All of the ingredients are readily available and convenient to purchase so making craft cement or glue is at your fingertips. Be prepared for what could become a sticky mess by working in a clean space. You might not want to wear your favorite sweater while involved in this project.
Making craft cement
Step 1
Place the 3 tablespoons of water in the glass bowl and microwave until boiling. If you don't have a microwave, then boil the water in a saucepan on the stove before pouring it into the mixing bowl. Add the packet of gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved. Now stir in the vinegar.
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Step 2
After the previous solution has been thoroughly mixed, you will add the liquid glycerin. Using a slow and steady stirring technique will ensure that the mixture stays in the bowl. Be sure to thoroughly mix in the glycerin until the solution is an even consistency.
Step 3
Make sure your glass jar is clean and dry before pouring in the craft cement solution. Scrape as much of the solution out of the bowl for easier clean-up. Let the solution then sit in the jar, uncovered, until it has reached room temperature.
Step 4
Once the craft cement solution has cooled, it is ready for use. The longer you let it sit, however, the thicker it will become, which might work better for your project. Using a small paint brush or popsicle stick, brush on the craft cement on both sides to be glued for optimal adhesion. The solution is usually good for up to a few months. Just make sure to cover it when not in use.
The solution may thicken over time. To soften, put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds with the lid off. You can also rest the jar in a bowl or sink filled with hot water and let it sit for about 15 minutes.
Make sure there is always adult supervision in the kitchen if children are involved in making the craft cement. An adult should always be in charge of the appliances.
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