How to Make Goulash in a Pressure Cooker

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 tbs. vegetable oil

  • 2 lb. beef, cubed

  • Salt

  • 1/2 tsp. pepper

  • 1 1/2 tsp. paprika

  • 1/4 tsp. crushed dried thyme

  • 1 large onion

  • 1 garlic clove, minced

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 14 oz. chopped tomatoes

  • 1 cup sour cream

Cooking goulash in a pressure cooker can take only 15 minutes.

Goulash originates from Hungary and is a beef-based stew or soup, cooked with paprika and onions and eaten with potatoes. It can be a time consuming dish to make, but cooking in a pressure cooker can help. An ordinary kitchen pot, a pressure cooker has a lid with a difference as it completely seals the pot, not allowing all the steam from liquid boiling inside to escape. This steam builds up pressure, resulting in higher temperatures, which reduces the cooking time.


Step 1

Turn cooker on and add oil as it heats.

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Step 2

Put the diced meat in to brown.

Step 3

Add salt, pepper, paprika and dried thyme to season.

Step 4

Put in chopped onion and saute until golden.

Step 5

Add garlic and saute for a further minute.

Step 6

Add remaining ingredients except for sour cream.


Step 7

Secure the lid according to your manufacturer's instructions.

Step 8

Heat to pressure. Most pressure cookers operate at 15 psi, so there will be only one switch. Other cookers may operate at 10 psi or 5 psi so offer three heat options. Your manufacturer's instructions will guide you in which heat setting to choose if there are options.


Step 9

Cook for 15 minutes from the time steam begins to escape.

Step 10

Allow the pressure to gradually reduce by taking the pot from the heat.

Step 11

Release any remaining steam once pressure has reduced by turning the dial on your cooker. Again your manufacturer's instructions will tell you how to do it on your cooker.


Step 12

Take the cover off.

Step 13

Remove the bay leaf.

Step 14

Heat it back to boil and cook for a further two minutes.

Step 15

Take off heat and stir in cream to thicken.


Modern pressure cookers have pressure valves for safety, but if you hear a hissing noise coming from the pot, check the pressure.


Do not fill your cooker more than half with food or two-thirds with liquid. Food increases with cooking so you don’t want your cooker to overflow.

Do not attempt to take the lid off before all the steam has escaped.


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